Friday, September 28, 2012

Week Four Creative Commons

  Creative Commons is a very smart and successful idea concept that allows users to share audio media content for the sole purpose of just using it.  Magnatunes feels that as long as you are not making money of of it's music that it is OK to use and share.  As it was put "It's free marketing" which I feel is a great idea.  Word of mouth is the fastest and best way to market anything.  The way that they licenced all of this is incredible and they back it up to boot!  From what I have gathered from their site they are their solely based on the music and its final product.  To get the music out there for the world to hear and not hurting the copy write community.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that Magnatunes does not take any of the rites to the music away from the musicians was really and amazing way to me to handle this situation. So many musicians have felt like they have sold their soles to the devil when they signed a contract with a record label. I believe this is why most of the big time stars have also started their own record labels.
