Friday, September 14, 2012

Computing In the Cloud week 2

 I guess you could say that I am in the Cloud.  I store my pictures on Facebook so I never loose them because I have had 2 computers crash on me. Facebook......not yet.  I buy my text books online because like most of us in Vermont I have absolutly NOTHING around me.  Some things that I want I cant just buy at my local Walmart (or the one clothing store in town TJ MAXX)   So in order to get what I need I have to find it on the internet Amazon is my god send.  I keep my contacts and schedual on my phone which is linked with my goole account so I never loose them as well.  I guess you could say for as little as I thought I did on the internet I can still be considered in the cloud.  I dont know what I would do if I suddenly couldn't access it.  I would most likely loose it on some unsuspecting "Customer Service Person" whom worked for the company I was having a problem with.  Now that I think about it "the Cloud" is kind of scary with all the information being store some where god only knows where and I have absolutly no control over who sees it or can access it.  Not to sound Paranoid or anything but seriously think about it..... its the black whole in the sky.

1 comment:

  1. Kelsey, I'm right there with you!! Where is all this stuff and why when I call amazon, for example, can they tell me my password when I forget it. Until this assignment I did not realize that I was online as much as I am. I look at the people I work with on Facebook as much as they can and think I don't do that I'm not out there that much...but I am.
