Monday, December 17, 2012

The Final GoodBye!

So this will be my last post to my blogger!  I am not much to put my life and ideas out on the Internet (I barely use face book) So overall going into this class I did not know that I would have to put so much of myself on the Internet!  My picture, utube video's, podcast all of which I had to break down that scary barrier stopping me from doing my work. 

If there was anything I could change this semester....having more patience for my computer and its own way of progressing things.  Quite a few times I almost threw both of my computers out the door and said to hell with it.  I was over it.  Then I had to come back after awhile and go at it a different way.  I just needed not to crunch so that is what I would change. 

I have learned way more than anticipated about what I can do for free with tools from the Internet and it was an eye opener.  I hope to never have to make a utube video ever ever ever again.  A podcast never again either. 

So after every thing that has been learned and lost this semester I am sorry to say so long cloud I will only selectively be part of you from here on out.

                                                                 - Kelsey

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Remix Feat. Steven Colbert Week 14

So hybrid economy, wikipedia, ect. was lost in this interview.  Copywrite is the BIG PICTURE! Kids are not becoming major cyber criminals and it is a failed war yes.  70% of our kids are illegally sharing files (Including myself at times with music).   Congress has passed 24 Laws on this?! I had no idea!!! Because I never have seen it up close or been impacted by it so I don't see it being the case.  But THE REMIX makes it all LEGAL! Thanks to age old copywrite laws the pretty much only covers written word on paper rather than the small ammount on the written word on the web.  And yes Lawrence you are right this is not about copywrite persay but about copying other "works" and how it needs to be handled!  The Remixes are hysterical!!!! I am trying to find an origional of my own to remix it myself but still looking for it as of now.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Week 13 The F Generation in the Work Force

In the article by Gary Hamel he talks about how the Facebook Generation ("Generation F") is going to change the work place because they differ greatly from the Fortune 500 Generation in many different ways.  He talks about 12 work-relevant characteristics of online life each of which directly correlates with how companies and its employees will interact and need to grow to accommodate this new way of running a business.  The differences in the typical  management of a Fortune 500 Company today to the possibility of the next 5 years is endless.  With the new Generation F making their way into the work force with their different views and younger understanding of the marketplace they are a force to recognize and retain.  Here is just a quick over site of my understanding on a few of these characteristics.  1. All ideas compete on equal footing:  Every one's ideas are heard and from there peers decide who they agree with.  There is no one there to squelch any ones ideas so they are never heard or see the light of day.  2. Contribution counts for more than credentials:  The more you contribute the more you are heard.  It doesn't matter if you have no official knowledge of the context of a topic your in put still makes a difference.  3. Hierarchies are natural, not prescribed:  Most times when someone makes a statement in the work place today they are afraid to be the first to speak; its just human nature.   But online you could be the first or somewhere in the middle and if people like what you have to day they agree with that person and rally behind them.  It is not that people don't do that in the work place today but, they fear repercussions.  5. Tasks are chosen, not assigned:  Good Luck with that!  In the company I work for I am tasked all day long I have a revolving list that just keeps going I cross one thing off and another gets added on.  I feel that this one characteristic will have a problem adapting to.  It is work and with every job there are things that we don't want to do or don't enjoy.  That does not mean we have an option not to do them.  11. Intrinsic rewards matter most:  Since most of the Generation F are still learning about how to make money and how to get into the business world they don't know about how to use the Internet to make money.  I feel that the intrinsic part might die out after they get older and more educated.   12. Hackers are heroes:  That in my opinion means that the type of employee who is always making things difficult is alright to have?  I don't think that it would be a smart idea.  I know that everyone has the right to free speech but in the work place with all the rules and policies if you simply say something that offends someone else you can potentially get fired.  So I don't think that all of these characteristics can make their way into the work force but in the next 5 years who can say? 

Monday, November 26, 2012

week 12 the long tail come true

This weeks blog is about a TED .com video about the Long Tail Theory in 2006.  He talks a lot about how the small niche items (most times pricey) catch on and in popularity and grow into mass market products which after some time turn them into free (loss of value of product) .  He talked about how WiFi was such an expensive niche item that would in time loose it's value and no longer be at the top of the market and loose it's niche value. In my opinion at this date and time (2012) WiFi is free and it is still a necessity for this day and age.  Another example that caught my attention was the DVD it rose in the market and surpassed the VHS after just a few years.  Two years after the DVD's first launch Netflicks came into the picture and that was in 1997 it is now 2012 and Netflicks is still at the top of the Movie Rental Market.  It was a niche market back in 1996b and they were the break out star of the market.  Those are just a few of the things that stood out for me in that video. 
This is the link to the TED Video 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Podcasting on a budget

Download Audacity software is a must because you need some type of audio software.  Using my own microphone is another point that he makes and I think I will have to try mine out on a test run.  With three dogs and a noisy pellet stove I might need to record in another location where it will be quiet and I can control the noise around me. Write out a script first and try to say it in one take because you spent 50 % to 70% of your time editing otherwise as I know.   You want to do post production work for an audio blog, something about nothing or for a purpose.  I feel that I would need to make it for some purpose because I wouldn’t be able to write a script to make it seamless otherwise.  I had no idea that people would even put out a podcast on sounds.  Is is just me or is that weird? For more information check out the Podcasting for Dummies Podcasts on ITunes

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I shot this at my local Lowe's and it is inspired by the season!  How To Save Money this Holiday Season with some cost saving tips on lighting.