Friday, September 28, 2012

Week Four Creative Commons

  Creative Commons is a very smart and successful idea concept that allows users to share audio media content for the sole purpose of just using it.  Magnatunes feels that as long as you are not making money of of it's music that it is OK to use and share.  As it was put "It's free marketing" which I feel is a great idea.  Word of mouth is the fastest and best way to market anything.  The way that they licenced all of this is incredible and they back it up to boot!  From what I have gathered from their site they are their solely based on the music and its final product.  To get the music out there for the world to hear and not hurting the copy write community.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Did you know the internet is 10,000 days old?

  After watching the video of Kevin Kelly on I got to seriously thinking about how I grew up in a place in time where we are all reliant on the internet.  I never knew the first idea's about the internet were supposed to be "T.V. but better".  The only things that I was aware of were the green and black dos systems that my father told me stories of.  I remember how long it took with that dial up connection and the waiting and the waiting and the took forever to do anything.  It has been so long since I have thought about those first experiences on the internet.  He had me laughing with his "Next 5,000 Days Prediction"  because most of what I gathered (with out extensive techie knowledge) has become reality.  Hand Held Devices are a part of our every day activities they are our cell phones!  With applications to take care of my every desire, banking, music, games, research.  It can handle anything, do multiple things, and reslove my problems.  I have become reliant on the net that is cast around me that keeps it all running smoothly.  They restructured the internet to tailor to human needs and marketed it to what we as humans need; an extension of ourselves.  I could not imagine my life with out it and if I ever get asked a question and I dont know the answer I as well as Kevin Kelly and the rest of the world would be lost if we could not google it!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Computing In the Cloud week 2

 I guess you could say that I am in the Cloud.  I store my pictures on Facebook so I never loose them because I have had 2 computers crash on me. Facebook......not yet.  I buy my text books online because like most of us in Vermont I have absolutly NOTHING around me.  Some things that I want I cant just buy at my local Walmart (or the one clothing store in town TJ MAXX)   So in order to get what I need I have to find it on the internet Amazon is my god send.  I keep my contacts and schedual on my phone which is linked with my goole account so I never loose them as well.  I guess you could say for as little as I thought I did on the internet I can still be considered in the cloud.  I dont know what I would do if I suddenly couldn't access it.  I would most likely loose it on some unsuspecting "Customer Service Person" whom worked for the company I was having a problem with.  Now that I think about it "the Cloud" is kind of scary with all the information being store some where god only knows where and I have absolutly no control over who sees it or can access it.  Not to sound Paranoid or anything but seriously think about it..... its the black whole in the sky.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 1

  I was very interested in this course because of the change that has taken place over the last 10 years.  Internet multimedia is just as important and impressive as television multimedia these days.  I am not a very "tech savvy" person when it comes to computers but I have a good background in the basics of computers so I am confident that I will be able to learn and have fun in this class.  All of my CCV classes are online due to my job not having a set schedule.  Having online courses makes going back to school work for me.  I am looking forward to this semester.